Hello everyone! Today we are going to discover more interesting things about Ireland. It is a wonderful country that you will love. In the following video, I am going to show you some places of the country. I was in Ireland some years ago and as you know, I love making photographs of everything so I will show you a piece of Ireland with this video. As you can see, there are many places in this video but we have not got too much information about them. In this activity, you have to work in pairs, you will choose a place of the video and you have to look information about it. Follow the next instruccions: Where you can find this place? Could you visit it? How can you arrive to this place? Look for some history of this place (who built it, how was created, its history...) What can you visit in this place? Look for some pictures of the place. Once you have searched all this information, you have to make a presentation using some of the programs we have...